

May 2017

What is Red Husky Media?

By |2017-05-13T19:37:51+00:00May 13th, 2017|Categories: News|

Some (those of my friends who were kind enough to listen to me ramble about this company) may know that Red Husky Media has its origins in two radio talk shows, Two Guys Talking and Pop Culture Jukebox. They'd also be quick to tell you that the company is named after my dog, Dante, but that's neither [...]

April 2017

Scenes From A Park Bench – A Short Film // IndieGoGo

By |2017-04-18T02:29:30+00:00April 18th, 2017|Categories: News|

Red Husky Media is excited to announce their first film production, Scenes From A Park Bench. The short film, written by Conner Doyle, is a series of 5 independent stories all connected through the same location, a park bench. While the content between each scene differs dramatically, they all strive to represent important conversations, as they [...]

October 2016

Website Makeover

By |2016-10-22T23:45:35+00:00October 22nd, 2016|Categories: News|

The Red Husky Media website has just finished going through a complete makeover. Now everything is housed under the umbrella of one website. This means you can find new artists, discover new entertainment, and read up on what's happening with RHM all on one site. This complete makeover was all in the interest of our main [...]

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